Poliţiştii din Belarus au arestat sâmbătă mai mulţi protestatari, în timp ce mii de persoane s-au adunat la Minsk şi a cerut eliberarea din închisoare a liderului Opoziţiei Maria Kolesnikova, cea mai recentă arestare făcută de autorităţi în valul de manifestaţii survenit după controversele privind fraudarea alegeri, scrie todayonline.com.
28 noiembrie - Profit Financial.Forum
#Belarus 73-year-old Nina #Bahinskaya is giving an incredible example of courage and strength. She began coming out to the streets with a white-red-white flag even before the Soviet Union collapsed, not to mention #Lukashenko becoming president. She is already a legend pic.twitter.com/ocMo6B2waE
— Hanna Liubakova (@HannaLiubakova) September 12, 2020
I cannot explain this brutality. The green men are pushing the women back so that they are stuck. Dozens of women have been taken to a police van right after the rally started. Those who managed to escape continue marching. Fearless, resilient and most courageous women they are pic.twitter.com/iMAW6WzAOD
— Hanna Liubakova (@HannaLiubakova) September 12, 2020
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